Louis Morèl - art and antiques web services


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Our Philosophy

The objects in which our clients trade - antiques, collectibles or pieces of art - are usually “things of beauty” and should be displayed on the web without any restriction. Almost any object becomes special when captured in large-sized photos of high resolution and shown in a “screen wide” format on any device, be it desktop, tablet of smartphone. It is common wisdom, but too often disregarded in web sites, that a pictures tells more than a thousand words. The web sites we design and build are centered around that principle. We started with our web services as photo editors and in the process have become web designers as well, but our main orientation is still directed to this simple fact: large sized and carefully edited photos tells it all.

The photo gallery with high resolution photos which can be zoomed in or expanded by the visitor to the website to make minute details visible, is the core of any website we design for our clients. This photo gallery can be encased in a stylish setting, modern or classy, in a rich colour palette or a rather minimalistic framework, as long as the photos themselves are splendid.

In this web sites we offer you quite a few examples of gallery concepts and some intricate photo editing that we hope will inspire you. Almost any client we currently serve started with a few photos to be edited, then asked us to put these photos online in an existing web site and finally wanted us to design a completely new website that is responsive to the growing array of different devices - tablets and smartphones - in particular.

Our Mission

Our mission is to give all of our websites the strongest visual appeal possible not only to create a great aesthetical experience but to make an important contribution to the commercial success of our customers. We instill flair and a sense of freedom in the minds of fine art & antiques dealers and take care that they don't hide their light under a bushel.

Existing websites have sometimes been built in the nineties, which can be seen as the internet's prehistory. In those days, photos were deliberately kept in low resolution and small format to economize on web traffic and storage cost. Nowadays, with practically limited cheap cloud storage and fast broadband internet these criteria fortunately do not longer apply.

Around the photo gallery core, we create the other pages such a highly artistic and individualistic Home Page, the Contact Us and About Us pages, etc. In these pages too, you should neither want to hide your light under a bushel and use a broad screen wide canvas, large stylish letter faces and a splendid colour palette. We do full honour to your ideas about how these pages should look like and the message they should convey to your clients.

We have a strong motivation to guide our clients in the antiques and fine arts trade and let them sidestep all the technical hurdles and remain always available to them whenever needed.

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